Africa Defense Forum
ADF is a professional military magazine published quarterly by U.S. Africa Command to provide an international forum for African security professionals. ADF covers topics such as counter terrorism strategies, security and defense operations, transnational crime, and all other issues affecting peace, stability, and good governance on the African continent.

Where Am I?


  1. This park is 249,313 hectares and spans two countries.
  2. It features sandstone ramparts, arches, caves, cliffs, pillars and rock pools.
  3. The endangered Cape vulture and bearded vulture live here, as does a minnow found nowhere else.
  4. The San people, who lived here for 4,000 years, left behind the largest, most concentrated group of cave paintings south of the Sahara.

ANSWER  Maloti-Drakensberg Park, South Africa and Lesotho

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