Africa Defense Forum
ADF is a professional military magazine published quarterly by U.S. Africa Command to provide an international forum for African security professionals. ADF covers topics such as counter terrorism strategies, security and defense operations, transnational crime, and all other issues affecting peace, stability, and good governance on the African continent.

In Kenya, a Digital Classroom in a Box

AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE At Lighthouse Grace Academy in Nairobi’s Kwangware suburb, students are using a new learning tool. It’s the “Kio Kit,” a digital classroom in a suitcase designed by local technology company BRCK. “The Kio Kit is a…

Anticipate and Respond

Logisticians Rely on Training and Core Principles to Keep Operations Running ADF STAFF The life of the logistician is not a glamorous one. Sometimes called “sustainers” or “loggies” or simply “the guys in the rear with the gear,” their…


A Conversation with Brig. Gen. David Baburam, Former Head of AU Mission Support ADF STAFF Retired Brig. Gen. David Baburam served in the Kenya Defence Forces for 36 years. During his career he was commander of the Ordnance Corps,…

Emerging from Ebola

As the African Union Sifts Through Lessons and Challenges, New Logistics Approaches Are Born More than two years after Ebola began its deadly march through Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, killing more than 11,300 people, the World Health…

The Tyranny of Distance

Supplying Complex Peacekeeping Missions Is Complicated by Remoteness and Infrastructure Deficits Any international peacekeeping mission will present a long list of logistical challenges. Mission settings are inevitably established in areas…