Africa Defense Forum
ADF is a professional military magazine published quarterly by U.S. Africa Command to provide an international forum for African security professionals. ADF covers topics such as counter terrorism strategies, security and defense operations, transnational crime, and all other issues affecting peace, stability, and good governance on the African continent.
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Senegalese Village Becomes Oasis

REUTERS Beneath the scorching sun that beats down on Senegal’s savanna, the verdant gardens of Ndem village are a sanctuary. Within a hibiscus fence, rows of vegetables grow under fruit trees. Men with dreadlocked hair and women in…

Pandemic Raises Popularity of Some Crops

REUTERS In a flowing hijab, Karima M. Imam walks through her fields in northern Nigeria’s scrubland as workers harvest ginger, a gnarled brown root that has turned gold since COVID-19 struck. “If I had the capital, I’d plant more.…

Africa Has Untapped Wind Resources

ADF STAFF The Global Wind Energy Council says Africa has world-class wind power potential, which, if properly exploited, could meet the continent’s energy demands and easily replace any jobs lost as consumers shift away from fossil…