A Somali National Army Soldier gently brushes away dirt during a course on how to detect improvised explosive devices at the General Dhagabadan Training Centre in Mogadishu in March 2024. More than 30 years of conflict have left Somalia with more than 1 million land mines and unexploded ordnance. At least 1,700 people have died from the blasts, and many more are permanently scarred or disabled. A majority of the victims are civilians. Somalia has worked with international partners to train experts in detecting and removing mines, ordnance and IEDs. Security personnel also are deploying dogs capable of sniffing out…
ADF STAFF Modern combat training goes something like this: On the battlefield, Soldiers are briefed on the mission’s objective. They carry real weapons, often loaded with blank ammo. Coded laser devices attached to gun barrels “fire” when the trigger is pulled. Soldiers wear sensors on their helmets and vests that detect when a laser from the fired weapon hits them. They also carry simulated anti-tank weapons and laser hand grenades. “In the case of weapons with electronic sights, such as tanks and anti-tank weapons, virtual elements can already be incorporated as part of training,” Saab, the Swedish aerospace and defense…
CMDR. OWONAM EQUERE, NIGERIAN NAVY Africa has witnessed a troubling surge in coups d’état, reminiscent of the early postcolonial decades when they were common. From 2020 to 2023, there were nine successful military coups in Africa, with six taking place in West Africa: two in Mali (August 2020 and May 2021), one in Guinea (September 2021), two in Burkina Faso (January 2022 and September 2022), and one in Niger (July 2023). Within the period, reports of attempted coups in The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger and Sierra Leone show the potential for further political instability. West Africa faces multiple security challenges…
DEFENCEWEB The Nigerian Air Force was expected to take delivery of its first M-346 combat planes by the end of 2024 from Italy’s Leonardo. The air force is acquiring 24 M-346 fighter aircraft, a significant step in its “ongoing efforts to modernize its fleet as well as bolster its operation effectiveness,” it said. The jets are expected to be delivered in four groups of six each. The deal was announced in 2022. A Leonardo official said details on pilot and technician training still needed to be worked out. There is a 25-year binding agreement for Leonardo to support maintenance. Nigerian…
DEFENCEWEB South Africa’s Milkor company is partnering with Germany’s Aerodata AG to develop a new specialized platform for maritime surveillance, the AeroForce 380, which is based on the Milkor 380 unmanned aerial vehicle. This medium altitude long endurance drone, tailored specifically for maritime surveillance and coast guard missions, can fly as high as 9,000 meters. It has enhancements that allow it to operate below 1,000 meters, which is ideal for maritime surveillance operations. The drone can fly for up to 35 hours, ensuring extended mission coverage and increased operational efficiency, Milkor said. It can carry up to 250 kilograms. It…
DEFENCEWEB African military spending rose by 22% between 2022 and 2023, with the Democratic Republic of the Congo seeing the biggest percentage increase to its military budget globally at 105% as the country battled multiple security threats. The DRC has been in protracted conflicts, with an estimated 200 militias and armed groups operating in the region, and Red Tabara rebels aiming to destabilize neighboring Burundi. In 2023, the DRC’s military spending more than doubled to reach $794 million. The 2023 increase coincided with growing tensions with Rwanda and a move by the government to strengthen the DRC’s armed forces after…
Kenya has announced plans to build a nuclear power plant at Kilifi on the coast with construction beginning in 2027 and the plant expected to be commissioned in 2034. South Africa is the only African country generating power from nuclear sources. Egypt and Ghana also have plans to build nuclear plants. “The realization of the nuclear dream will place Kenya among the pioneers in Africa in generation of this kind of energy,” Justus Wabuyabo, CEO of Kenya’s Nuclear Power and Energy Agency, wrote for Business Daily. “The project presents Kenya with a rare opportunity to not only meet its electricity…
A new course on multidomain operations (MDO) at Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College is preparing Soldiers for the next generation of warfare. During a commencement ceremony for the first class, staff college Commandant Maj. Gen. Matthew Kweku Essien said there has been a paradigm shift in how wars are fought, and it is vital for the GAF to keep pace with new technology and strategies. He said war no longer can be viewed as taking place only on the three traditional domains of land, air and sea. “In an era where the boundaries between land, sub-surface, sea, air, space,…
The Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) launched a campaign to recruit more than 1,600 people with special skills in scientific fields to bolster the military’s technical capabilities and integrate technology. “We are looking for young, bright minds to join our forces and contribute to the scientific and technological advancement of the UPDF,” said Brig. Gen. Felix Kulayigye, defense forces spokesperson. The recruitment process was expected to last 14 days and take place across the country. The UPDF looked for applicants younger than 28 with passing grades in a science subject at the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education level. Recruiters also…
Happy Delight Abajongawo was the first in her family to join the Ghana Armed Forces when she enlisted in the Navy 15 years ago. She would like to see more women follow her lead. “We need more women in the military,” Petty Officer Abajongawo, a clerk, told ADF. “We should encourage females to join because it’s better to be in the military than to be at home not working. Being in the military, you are taking care of yourself and getting more opportunities.” Ghana enlisted its first female member in 1958. Since then, women like Abajongawo have continued to don…