Africa Defense Forum
ADF is a professional military magazine published quarterly by U.S. Africa Command to provide an international forum for African security professionals. ADF covers topics such as counter terrorism strategies, security and defense operations, transnational crime, and all other issues affecting peace, stability, and good governance on the African continent.

Everyday Allies

A Nigerien Colonel Stresses the Importance of Civilian Help in the Fight Against Extremism ADF STAFF Col. Mahamane Laminou Sani is director of military intelligence for the Nigerien Army (forces armées nigériennes — FAN) and is based in…

Casevac Training Pays Off in Niger

Cessna 208 Flight Crews Use New Skills to Save a Life ADF STAFF The annual Festival de L’Aïr in Iférouane, Niger, draws crowds from throughout the nation’s northern region. Those attending the event celebrated rich Tuareg culture with…

Africa Tackles Cyber Security

The Electronic Revolution Is Bringing Rapid Change to the Continent, in Good and Bad Ways Dr. Eric Young, George C. Marshall Center Faculty As the electronic revolution sweeps across Africa, cyber security is a major emerging challenge.…

Deploying for Peace

Chadian Troops Partner with U.S. and French Trainers to Prepare for Peacekeeping in Mali ADF STAFF When Lt. Col. Jeffrey Powell and his team of 68 trainers arrived in Chad, conditions were less than ideal. They faced heat, equipment…

A Strong Link in the Chain

Mauritania’s chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces tells ADF how his country seeks to offer stability in a troubled region. During the week of May 19, 2014, Lt. Gen. Mohamed Ghazouani, Mauritania’s chief of General Staff of the Armed…

The Army of Anger and Hate

Under Pressure, Boko Haram Is Changing Its Tactics ADF STAFF In a neighborhood of mud-brick buildings in Diffa, Niger, young men say there is one opportunity for work that is always lurking in the shadows. The job offers come from…

Nigerian Poet Wins $100,000 Prize

AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Headlines portray the Sahara as a barren desert that claims the lives of many migrants. But Nigerian poet Tade Ipadeola had a different story to tell — and it was worth $100,000. Ipadeola’s The Sahara Testaments won…