A member of the Libyan Armed Forces looked across the vast desert in Ben Ghilouf, Tunisia, and watched a military helicopter obliterate a ground target. As smoke billowed, he confirmed the target’s destruction by radio and watched the helicopter fly away.
The Soldier was one of 8,000 participants from 27 countries who trained during the 20th annual African Lion military exercise hosted in Ghana, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia between April 20 and May 31, 2024. African Lion seeks to bolster defense capabilities and foster interoperability among participating nations.
In Dodji, Senegal, exercises included combined infantry tactics and a medical exchange led by the U.S. Marine Forces Reserve. The exercise also let local communities engage with visiting forces to help strengthen civil-military relations. Also in Senegal, the Royal Netherlands Army and the Senegalese Armed Forces completed combat lifesaver exchange training led by U.S. Navy Cmdr. Evelyn Palm, a Ghana native.
Other joint training exercises focused on field hospital operations, medical evacuations and humanitarian assistance. Emphasized throughout the exercise was a whole-of-government approach to address the root causes of instability, rather than just focusing on military might.
During the exercise, Ghanaian and U.S. troops offered medical services to locals in Damongo, in the country’s grassy woodland Savannah Region.