Modern combat training goes something like this: On the battlefield, Soldiers are briefed on the mission’s objective. They carry real weapons, often loaded with blank ammo. Coded laser devices attached to gun barrels “fire” when the trigger is pulled. Soldiers wear sensors on their helmets and vests that detect when a laser from the fired weapon hits them. They also carry simulated anti-tank weapons and laser hand grenades.
“In the case of weapons with electronic sights, such as tanks and anti-tank weapons, virtual elements can already be incorporated as part of training,” Saab, the Swedish aerospace and defense company, reports in one scenario. “A computer can be used to generate obstacles and opponents that are uploaded into the sight and to which the user must respond.”
Gyroscopes and a computer system manage the simulation, tracking participants’ movements, recording hits and controlling scenario progression. They also factor in variables such as travel distance and gravity to determine whether each shot would have hit its target under real conditions.
In some cases, high-definition projectors display virtual environments and targets on screens or walls. Instructors use a control system to define the training scenario, including terrain, objectives and enemy positions. The system instantly registers hits, providing immediate feedback to participants and instructors.

Laser-based battlefield simulations can handle basic and advanced firearms training from small arms up to crew-served weapon systems. They can be configured to support individual marksmanship training and complex tactical scenarios involving hundreds of Soldiers. As the technology advances, simulation systems are likely to become even more realistic and effective. As the cost of simulation military training continues to come down, it’s inevitable that more African armed forces will adopt some of the technology.
Simulation military training has been on the continent for years, with South Africa and Uganda being early adopters of laser technology. In 2021, Kenya signed a contract with Saab to buy a laser-based system. Saab contracted to provide new training equipment, such as personnel detection devices, vehicle training systems, laser grenades and training applications for a variety of weapons. The equipment includes exercise control and communication systems, and training courses for users and maintenance personnel, Military Africa reported. The equipment comes with about 800 kits for equipping Soldiers.
When people discuss simulation training, they talk about flight simulators, computer war games, sophisticated shooting galleries and virtual reality (VR) devices. But simulation training dates to 5,000 years ago, when military leaders started using colored stones and grid systems on a board to map out strategies. Later simulations included designating some Soldiers as “enemies,” to be attacked and captured using strategies developed beforehand. Such simulations using designated opponents endure to this day, in the form of vast military exercises involving multiple nations.
The advantages of simulation exercises are clear. Training time is reduced. Soldiers can field-test new equipment and tactics. Militaries can work in joint operations, ironing out problems before taking to the field. Simulations preserve the environment and enhance safety. Costs are greatly reduced, and perhaps most important, training objectives can be accurately measured.
Simulations can be broken into three broad categories:
Constructive simulations, also known as tabletop simulations, are purely hypothetical, allowing countless “what if” scenarios. Military leaders centuries ago were engaged in constructive simulation with their markers and maps.
In constructive simulations, everything is imaginary — people, equipment and terrain. Modern constructive simulations are used for pure war-gaming, using computer modeling to move imaginary Soldiers through various field scenarios, such as combat. Modern constructive simulations have become incredibly sophisticated, with computers fed such data as troop types and numbers, weather, locations of enemy troops, strength and types of armaments, and field conditions. Invasions, rescue operations and other field maneuvers are then “played” repeatedly to see which approaches give the best results.
Live simulations consist of real people, real or dummy weapons, and blank ammunition. A typical scenario will have Soldiers in the field wearing sensors on their shoulders or helmets so their exact locations can be monitored. This type of simulation provides a learning environment as close to reality as possible. Live simulations have obvious advantages, including getting Soldiers in the field accustomed to wearing and traveling with their gear. It is an excellent way for Soldiers to provide feedback to their trainers. Soldiers trained with live simulations tend to retain their training longer than with other types of simulations.
Virtual simulations involve real people being placed in simulated environments. Flight trainers, which date back to World War II, are early virtual simulators. Virtual simulation can use off-the-shelf components that also have industrial and civilian uses.
Virtual simulation is accepted, and even welcomed, by young Soldiers who grew up playing video games. It is highly adaptable. Armies use virtual simulation for training individuals and teams. An entire crew can be trained at the same time in one facility. Virtual simulation provides the best possible scenario for instructors to give students instant feedback.

Traditional military training methods such as live exercises are expensive. Such training involves logistical expenses, such as fuel, ammunition and equipment maintenance. Just the wear and tear on a physical training area can be severe. Poland-based VR software company 4Experience says that the cost of preparing Soldiers for their first live operational assignment can cost about $36,000 per person. Live training exercises also require building physical settings and hiring expert instructors, further driving up costs, the software company said.
Because of the cost of traditional training, simulation training is becoming a necessity. One South African official told ADF that 30 simulated military exercises can be funded for the same price as one traditional brigade exercise. Simulations can be used in a wide range of applications, such as first-aid, combat, parachuting and flight training. Simulations even can be used for classroom instruction.
Flight simulators, ranging from desktop computers with multiple screens all the way up to full-sized cabins capable of training an entire crew at the same time, have become common in Africa’s air forces.
Aside from actual flight training, cabin-type simulators provide the best, most realistic way to train pilots and crews. But less-expensive VR flight simulations are continuing to improve.
When VR is mentioned, most people think of a headset that resembles a bulky pair of goggles. VR headsets for training can include accessories such as controllers, additional sensors and gloves. At the extreme end, trainees wearing simulation goggles are strapped into a large moving frame that simulates parachute training. These devices are connected to a computer, and when the entire system is working properly, users can see and interact with simulated objects and environments in 3D.
Although the cost of VR compares favorably with other types of simulation warfare equipment, the initial costs can be daunting. Cyprus-based software company Program Ace says that developing a VR training application typically costs between $50,000 and $1 million, depending on the project’s scope and complexity. VR headsets range from $400 to $700 each. Despite the initial investment, VR training can quickly become less expensive when the costs are spread over many training sessions, according to California-based VR company Strivr. The reduction comes from the reusability and scalability of VR training equipment, which doesn’t require the same repetitive expenses as traditional methods.

There remains a serious downside to some VR applications — side effects from its use. They can include dizziness, nausea, eyestrain, vomiting, headaches, sweating and disorientation, according to The Economist and other sources. In one study, more than 60% of users were affected.
Hans Lindgren, head of Business Development for Business Unit Training & Simulation at Saab, said VR training session times have to be limited.
“You take those goggles, for instance,” he told ADF. “There are certain situations where those can be used, but the feedback from customers is that you get illness pretty quick when you put those on. You cannot train for a long time. And especially in some kinds of team training, there is still a need for movement with your feet and your body, which it doesn’t allow in most applications.”
Many African nations are involved in simulation training:
South Africa pioneered simulation training in Africa in 1997, when it converted a military dining facility to the South African Centre for Conflict Simulation. At its peak, it conducted 25 to 35 simulations each year. South Africa since has acquired a land-based submarine combat team trainer for its Navy, along with several submarine periscope simulators, a concept helicopter flight deck simulator and concept bridge simulator, according to defenceWeb.
In Nigeria, the Army has used simulation training programs to prepare Soldiers to fight the extremist group Boko Haram.
The Kenya Navy now uses VR technology for maritime security training. The Full Mission Bridge Simulator at Kenya Naval Training College offers training that complies with international maritime standards. Kenya also has acquired training and simulation systems from Saab, including vehicle training systems, training applications for various weapons, and training courses for maintenance and operation.

The Rwanda Military Hospital opened its Medical Modeling and Simulation Center in 2017, where military personnel, particularly doctors and nurses, train to handle wounded Soldiers in the field.
The Tunisian Air Force, one of the continent’s smaller air forces with 4,500 personnel, has invested in simulation pilot training and air traffic control training. South Africa and Algeria were among the continent’s earliest adopters of flight simulators. A decade ago, South Africa had 11, and Algeria had 10, Military Simulation & Training magazine reported.
The Côte d’Ivoire Air Force acquired a flight simulator in 2022 through a project management and technical assistance company. The simulator allows the country to be more self-sufficient with its military training. Côte d’Ivoire also signed a contract with a French company that supplied and installed a combat simulator system for the defense ministry.
There are challenges for some African countries that are adopting simulation training techniques. Many countries have a limited technical infrastructure. The initial price of investing in simulation equipment can be high. And there is a persistent shortage of skilled personnel to maintain and operate simulation training equipment. As one Kenyan officer told ADF, military personnel in Africa who receive extensive technical training are difficult to retain after their enlistments are up, because well-paying civilian jobs await them.
But most experts think that investment in simulation training is necessary and inevitable, even for armed forces on tight budgets. African countries will have to keep up with modern technology to maintain a competitive edge in all fields, and that includes their armed forces. Adoption of simulation technology will help African nations bridge technological gaps between their militaries and those of counterparts elsewhere. Simulation training has been shown to improve overall combat readiness and effectiveness, at significant cost savings over the long term. θ