Africa Defense Forum
ADF is a professional military magazine published quarterly by U.S. Africa Command to provide an international forum for African security professionals. ADF covers topics such as counter terrorism strategies, security and defense operations, transnational crime, and all other issues affecting peace, stability, and good governance on the African continent.
Yearly Archives



It’s natural for security professionals to think of their duties in a traditional sense. They’re trained to defend borders, protect the nation, and repel internal and external threats. But beginning in the early 1990s, a new term began to…

Niger Keeps Horse Racing Legacy Alive

AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Niamey’s dusty racing track is a far cry from Niger’s equine glory days, when horses bred in the country enjoyed international fame. Although formal meets ended 30 years ago, hundreds of young Nigeriens gather on…

Ghana Opens Doors With Visas Upon Arrival

ADF STAFF Ghana announced plans to issue visas upon arrival to nationals of all 54 African Union (AU) member states starting in July 2016. The move by President John Dramani Mahama is aimed at stimulating air travel, investment, tourism…

Intractable and Intertwined

6 Major Human Security Threats Are Connected to Each Other ADF STAFF Security threats are not always measured in guns, bullets and armed conflicts. Sometimes, the things that most threaten communities — and nations — are rooted in the…

Q and A Putting People First

A conversation with Kenya Army Lt. Gen. Njuki Mwaniki on human security ADF STAFF Retired Lt. Gen. Njuki Mwaniki is a former commander of the Kenya Army. During nearly 40 years in the Kenya Defence Forces, he held posts including…

Africa Braces for Population Boom

The continent’s growth is ‘nearly unprecedented in human history.’ It will require planning and skilled leaders. ADF STAFF Habib Bourguiba was decades ahead of his time. In 1957, he became the first president of Tunisia. Over the course…

The Water Cycle

Water Flows Through a Full Range of African Human Security Challenges ADF STAFF Lake Chad, which sits near the geographic center of Africa, can be seen as a symbol of the continent’s extraordinary water challenges. The lake, whose…