Africa Defense Forum
ADF is a professional military magazine published quarterly by U.S. Africa Command to provide an international forum for African security professionals. ADF covers topics such as counter terrorism strategies, security and defense operations, transnational crime, and all other issues affecting peace, stability, and good governance on the African continent.
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COVAX Rolls Out Vaccines in Africa

Story by ADF STAFF | Photos by AFP/GETTY IMAGES More than 20 African nations have started administering millions of free COVID-19 vaccines through COVAX, the global plan to equitably distribute the shots.  In the initial March 2021…

A Penchant for Chaos

ADF STAFF  |  Photos by AFP/GETTY IMAGES The former Portuguese colony of Guinea-Bissau has been dogged by unrest and instability since its independence in 1974. The government was overthrown about six years later, and its history has…

A Precious Resource

ADF STAFF During the four centuries of its rule, the Mali Empire was known around the world for its fabulous wealth in gold. Nearly 700 years later, areas of the former empire are still rich with deposits of the precious metal. Now…

Finding the Horn in the Haystack

ADF STAFF Twelve years ago, Dr. Andrew Rhyne, a marine biologist and expert on wildlife trafficking, was trying to figure out a better way to track the aquarium fish being imported into the United States. The system could not keep up…

Female Ranger Teams Shatter Stereotypes

ADF STAFF Wildlife ranger work traditionally has been a men’s-only club in Southern Africa. So when the nonprofit International Anti-Poaching Foundation created the all-female Akashinga ranger team in Zimbabwe in 2017, it was greeted…

COVID-19 Clears Pathway for Poachers

Story by ADF STAFF | Photos by AFP/GETTY IMAGES The global pandemic did not lock down wildlife traffickers. Authorities in Zimbabwe caught four smugglers trying to ship 26 great apes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo to South…